Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This one will be quick, as I have more questions than answers... I am trying to figure out how to combine being a full-time single mom with dating. It was much easier to date/be in a relationship when the kids would visit their dad every weekend. I could separate the two parts of me -- mom and woman. But the separation did not ultimately feel right (what a concept to be able to merge the two).

My kids are old enough now that I can leave them to go out occasionally, so the real question is about what to tell them and when. I try to keep my personal life to myself around them (though at 13 -- and a half -- my daughter is astute enough to figure some things out).

And what if the dating leads to a relationship? How does that all fit together? If I figure it out, I will let you know.


At 4:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with tennisanyone? Definitely speak with your kids, get there thoughts and opinion. Keep in mind, their opinions will be biased, because you are their Mom. But at the same time, a lot can be learned from their thoughts and opinions.


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